At Shaw + Scott, our goal is to live with pride every day of the year. We embrace our diversity and are proud that we’re creating a place where everyone can thrive regardless of their orientation, gender, ethnicity, or economic background. Said differently, our purpose is to provide opportunity whether it be for LGBTQIA+ individuals, women, working families and so on. It’s why we love what we do and keep pushing ahead (even when times are tough).
Yes, we need to make money to keep the lights on, but creating a company where we can provide opportunity to those willing to work hard and where we can make an impact not just in the work we do, but through how we do that work, is our greatest joy.
A lot of companies talk a good game, but truly embracing diversity can be challenging and requires constant vigilance. Complacency is a constant risk, so we must constantly ask ourselves: Are we “walking the walk” and meeting the needs of everyone on our team? Is everyone being treated equitably? Is everyone being seen and heard? Are we ensuring all our colleagues, partners, and clients are respecting our values at all times?
As a global company, we also have unique challenges and opportunities to make sure our team feels pride every day. That’s why we partner with organizations such as We Are Open in Hungary to make sure we’re supporting our team there and providing visibility and a voice to those who feel they do not have one now.
So much great progress has been made, but as is made clear every day in the news – both here and abroad – there is so much work to do. We truly believe businesses willing to put a stake in the ground and not only state their values, but demand their values be respected, is one of the ways positive change for all becomes reality.
We’ll keep working with purpose so every one of our team members can be filled with pride every day. We may be a small company, but our voices are loud and proud.